
Data Science / Analyst journey

Here we stand at the start of a New Year and New Beginnings for this year ahead. In this blog I plan to detail my journey on becoming a Data Scientist / Data Analyst in the quest for starting my own company and eventually consulting or designing on the above.  During this journey I want to share how I find the different tools of the trade and learning to program. If this can help even just one person out there, I will be satisfied.  I do not claim to know the way to achieve my goal, but I do have a rough sketch on what I would like to learn and plan how I will tackle this.  I am open to how this will evolve over the course of the year and it will be interesting to have look back and see how I grew through this process, plus working on my blogging skills. The aim is to release a blog post every Friday detailing the work that I put in and learned over the previous week, plus any interesting books that I might have read as well - this I will post under my other blog for Book reviews :  ht